Conference Proceedings: SolarPACES 2019
2 presentations about SOLPART feature in this SolarPACES 2019 Conference Proceedings, published in December 2020.
SOLPART highlighted in the EC’s Results Pack on Solar Heat for Power and Industry
SOLPART has been included in the Results Pack on “Solar Heat for Power and Industry“, published by the European Commission on the Cordis website.
End of the SOLPART project
After 4 years of collaborative research, the H2020 CSP SOLPART project came to an end in December 2019. All the deliverables have now been submitted. Let’s have a look at all the useful information you can find about the project!
H2020 CSP Projects Newsletter – April 2020 Edition
SOLPART was featured in the 7th edition of the joint Horizon 2020 CSP Project Newsletter, that was released on 14 April 2020.
SOLPART highlighted in the ISES Newsletter – March 2020
SOLPART was featured in the March 2020 Edition of the ISES Newsletter (International Solar Energy Society). In the news: the finalisation of the project.
Interviews: Meet the SOLPART team in video!
Meet the SOLPART partners in our interview series in video and find out about their role and implication in the project.
SOLPART Deliverables are now online!
The SOLPART team published all the public deliverables as well as summaries of the confidential deliverables on its website, in the “Deliverables section”.
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654663, SOLPART project.”